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Blog Post

Golden section search - explanation and visual implementation in Python

The golden section search is an easy example for a derivative-free deterministic one-dimensional direct search algorithm. You have two boundaries that enclose the maximum or minimum you want to find. With the help of the golden ratio gets the interval iteratively shorter until you have your needed accuracy.

Blog Post

6D Pose Estimation Overview and deep dive into Gen6D

How do robots can perceive their environment with just a camera? and How do they know what other things do and can predict it? A Crucial part is 6d Pose Estimation. But What is a 6D Pose? A 6D Pose is the specific ...

Blog Post

Edge detection as optimization problem solved using Evolutionary Algorithms

The edge detection problem in this work is to choose an edge configuration with minimum cost. The four evolutionary algorithms used are Simulated Annealing, Hillclimbing, Steady-State and the canonical Genetic Algorithm. Algorithm. The transformation of the edge detection into a minimization problem is achieved by ...